
Lost and Found

We grew up in late 80s_the era when you look up in the night; you see the starry sky rather than a layer of soot. The time when life was not confined to our sofas fiddling with mobiles and remotes, but it was sprawled all over the courtyards and terraces socializing with our neighbors. We lived in an undistinguished mohalla (colony) which comprised of narrow, twisted snake-like gallis (lanes) with houses on either side. We had a spirited group of friends_ all from middle-class families hence more understanding and ease with each other. The most awaited part of the day would be the evenings after school. Most of which was spent playing hopscotch, skipping, pitthul; occasionally trying our hands at badminton, thus learning teamwork and cooperation on the ground. Once the energy and the evening light faded out, we all would sit on the steps outside our houses spending hours chatting and giggling. If those steps spoke, they would testify our several stories of arguments and differen